
Rent cloud chess engines, your hardware doesn't matter anymore

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Manage and rent cloud chess engines with ease

Embed into your favourite GUI like a normal UCI-Engine. Works best with ChessBase

Cloud Engines

Choose from different Stockfish and Fritz versions

Flexible Machine Types

Select the machine size to best fit your computational requirements.

Cost-Effective Billing

Pay per minute or per hour, with hourly billing at a discounted rate. Premium users can also enjoy a free tier.

Download Remoteengine

Get started today by downloading our desktop application.

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Flexible pricing to meet your needs

Engine Name Speed* Price Per Hour Price Per Minute
Premium 2.0 MN/s Free with premium Free with premium
Medium 8.7 MN/s 0.98 Dkt/hour 0.04 Dkt/minute
Large 12.8 MN/s 2.07 Dkt/hour 0.07 Dkt/minute
Huge 15.8 MN/s 7.32 Dkt/hour 0.25 Dkt/minute
Jumbo 38.0 MN/s 10.99 Dkt/hour 0.37 Dkt/minute
Extra Jumbo 50.1 MN/s 51.07 Dkt/hour 1.70 Dkt/minute
Colossal 71.2 MN/s 76.14 Dkt/hour 2.54 Dkt/minute
Gargantuan 100.0 MN/s 101.21 Dkt/hour 3.37 Dkt/minute
Gigantic 137.4 MN/s 152.29 Dkt/hour 5.07 Dkt/minute

*Speed calculated with Stockfish 17 in starting position